Q Radio News
Stena Line has confirmed it is creating a designated ‘pet-friendly area’ on its two Superfast vessels operating on the Belfast – Cairnryan route.
“The Pet Friendly Area (PFA), will come into operation from November and will allow people with dogs in carrier cases only (max size of carrier 82cmx52cmx52cm) to bring them onboard and make the crossing in this area alongside their pets.
The designated area will be on Deck 8. Pets will not be permitted in other passenger areas including the Taste Restaurant, Stena Plus and the Hygge Lounge. As almost 90% of dogs that travel with Stena Line accompany vehicle drivers and remain in customer cars, it is hoped that the provision of a PFA will be viewed positively by the small proportion of customers who use pet carriers.
Customers have been advised that the rule on pets remaining in their carriers during the crossing will be strictly enforced, and all pets must be pre-booked to travel at the time of booking.
Larger pets unable to fit inside carry cases must be pre-booked into the onboard kennels or remain in customer vehicles during the crossing. The company is also currently looking at options to improve the provision of onboard kennels and will provide more details in due course.