by Q Radio News
Former SDLP leader Margaret Ritchie is quitting the party to take up a position in the House of Lords.
The former South Down MP has been given a lifetime peerage in the Honors list of ex-PM Theresa May.
The party has a long-standing opposition to the unelected house and wished her well in sitting as a non-affiliated peer.
A spokesperson for the SDLP said, “While we fundamentally disagree with the decision to take a seat in the House of Lords, we want to thank Margaret Ritchie for her long and faithful service to the SDLP and to Ireland.
“We have received and accepted Margaret’s resignation from the party and we wish her well.”
Ms Ritchie follows in the footsteps of another former SDLP leader Gerry Fitt, by taking a place in Westminster's upper house.
Meanwhile, Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smyth is being given a CBE for public service from his time as the Government's Chief Whip.