BY David Hunter
It broke out in the Queen's Park area at around 8.30 last night - and took several hours to bring under control.
It's understood the fire was started deliberately by a group of young people in the area, and police are treating it as Arson.
Firefighters were also called to another incident in Princess Gardens and surrounding areas, which may be linked.
Sergeant Black said: “At around 8:15pm, it was reported that the property was set alight by a number of youths in the area. The structure was badly damaged as a result of the incident. Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service attended the scene and extinguished the fire.
“We are also investigating a possible link to this incident and a number of bushes set alight at the Princess Gardens area of Coleraine at around 9:20pm last night.
Crews were drafted in from Coleraine, Portstewart and an Aerial apppliance from Derry-Londonderry to deal with the incident at Queens Park.
Firefighters from Portrush responded to the blaze at Princess Gardens.
A senior fire officer pointed out how these incidents had tied fire crews up, and was putting peoples lives at risk due to the lack of cover in other areas.