by Rebecca Black, PA
The teachers' unions have accepted a pay deal following a long-running dispute with employers over pay and workload.
The Northern Ireland Teachers' Council (NITC) announced it will be accepting a pay and workload agreement that was presented to them on April 8.
The council, comprised of the five recognised trade unions, said each had received approval from its membership to accept the agreement.
Teachers are now set to receive a pay award of 2.25% from September 2017 and an additional 2% from September 2018.
A spokesman for the NITC said the pay increase delivers "a level of pay which is in line with colleagues in the rest of the UK for the same pay periods".
He added: "The NITC will now begin the process of submitting a pay claim for 2019-20 and 2020-21 which addressed the losses against inflation and which will be benchmarked against neighbouring jurisdictions.
"This agreement delivers contractual protections to teachers from excessive workload now.
"The NITC will be working with the employers to ensure that the new working arrangements are in place in all schools from September.
"The nine review areas have the potential to reshape the education system over the coming years in a way which mutually benefits teachers, principals and employers.
"The trade unions are fully prepared to work together in the interest of all teachers and principals."