by Gráinne Connolly
Residents in Newry and Mourne are being asked to take a lead in improving their area, through the 'Communities Leading Change' participatory budgeting pilots.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairman, Councillor Mark Murnin said, “Participatory budgeting is a new and exciting way of involving communities in decision making on how funds are spent in their area.
"Community and Voluntary organisations, Groups and individuals are invited to apply for funding of up to £500 for projects that will benefit the Mournes DEA under the following themes; Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing, Rural Isolation and, Improving Your Area.”
This process involves members of the public being invited to attend events in the district, where projects are being showcased.
They'll then vote to decide which projects they think will benefit their area most.
Funding for the participatory budgeting pilots has been provided by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, South Eastern and Southern Health and Social Care Trusts, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Department for Communities, and the PSNI, working with partners from the Community and Voluntary Sector.
Those interested are encouraged to attend an information event in Newry Street Unite Community Centre, Kilkeel on Thursday 13 September 2018 at 5pm.
Expression of Interest forms are also available from Council Reception Offices in both Down Civic Centre, Downpatrick or Monaghan Row, Newry.
The closing date for submissions is Monday 8 October 2018 at 5pm.
Completed forms can be emailed to communityplanning@nmandd.org or returned to either of the Reception Offices.