By Q Radio news
DUP MP Gregory Campbell has condemned a graffiti attack at St. Mary's Roman Catholic church in Limavady.
Mr. Campbell said a similar attack took place at the church more than two years ago.
He says daubing sectarian graffiti on any Church property is not just insulting but contributes to creating problems in local communities.
(Local people help with the clean up operation at St. Mary's church in Limavady)
"While there is no apparent localised reason or recent precedent for this incident, I fear it may be linked to wider political tensions that Police had alluded to last week.
Whether that is the case or not all public representatives have a duty to condemn any such behaviour, irrespective of where it occurs and against whom.
The Government also has a duty to take appropriate steps to help de - escalate rising tensions whether connected to this or not."
(Work gets underway to remove sectarian slogans from St. Mary's Roman Catholic church in Limavady)
Sinn Féin MLA Caoimhe Archibald has also condemned the sectarian vandalism of St Mary’s Chapel, in Limavady.
“First and foremost, this is a sectarian hate crime and those responsible should be brought to book.
“Parishioners and locals are disgusted by this disgraceful and offensive graffiti, which is nothing more than blatant sectarian vandalism.
“I have spoke to the Police who have confirmed they are investigating this incident as a sectarian hate crime and I would call on anyone with any information to bring it forward.”