by Stewart Robson
A 63-year-old man's been released unconditionally after being arrested in relation to the murder of Jim Donegan in west Belfast.
Mr Donegan was gunned down in his car outside his son's Glen Road school back in December.
Searches were also carried out yesterday concerning the 43-year-old's killing.
Yesterday, police released an Evofit image of what the suspect may look like.
Detective Chief Inspector Pete Montgomery from the PSNI’s Major Investigation Team said: “I have released an Evofit image of what the suspected gunman may look like in the hope that someone may have seen this person who murdered Jim and put the lives of countless children at risk.
"I am appealing to the community to help me put this extremely dangerous individual behind bars. If anyone recognises this person or has any information that could assist with the investigation, please contact 101 and ask for the detectives in Seapark investigating Jim Donegan’s murder, quoting reference number CCS 741 04/12/18.
"Or if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
Evofit image of the suspect