Chloe St John
Thousand of people around the world have taken part in this year's Darkness into Light walk.
Supporters gathered in their local communities in the early hours of this morning to begin a symbolic walk that ends when the sun comes up.
The global initiative aims to raise awareness of suicide and self-harm.
Here in Northern Ireland walks took place at a number of venues - including Belfast, Cookstown, Strabane, and Portrush.
Q Radio attended the Portrush event:
Electric Ireland has supported Darkness Into Light and walked alongside Pieta for the past seven years to bring light into the homes of customers, staff and communities that have been affected by suicide.
Speaking on this morning’s events, Elaine Austin, CEO, Pieta said:
“Darkness Into Light unites us as people from rural communities to major cities, across the globe in a spirit of comfort and compassion to give and build hope.
“It connects us all creating the energy for change, in which, suicidal thoughts, self-harm and stigma can be replaced with hope, self-care and acceptance. It is vital for the delivery of our services and for raising awareness.”
We are so thankful to have had so many people walking with us today from Darkness Into Light.
(McAuley Multimedia Ltd pic)
I want to thank the volunteers, supporters, our partner Electric Ireland and all the participants for their involvement in this year’s event. However, the journey continues beyond the finish line of the walk. It is vital that we continue to build hope.”
Electric Ireland has proudly supported Darkness Into Light and walked alongside Pieta for the past seven years to bring light into the homes of customers, staff and communities that have been affected by suicide.
Commenting on the 2019 walk Clare McAllister, Northern Ireland Residential Manager, Electric Ireland said:
“The people of Northern Ireland have walked in their droves; their reasons for walking are many and varied but the outcome of their participation is a demonstration of the power of hope, they give hope to each other and help spread hope as part of a global community offering, support and solidarity to those who have been impacted by suicide. Today’s event was as moving and powerful as ever.”