by Gráinne Connolly
Altgolan windfarm Ltd has been successful in obtaining planning permission for a windfarm after trying for more than a decade.
They first applied for 13 turbines each with a height of 125 metres, for the site near Blacktown.
It's near the Donegal and Fermanagh borders in Tyrone, close to the road linking Killen and Ederney.
Despite reducing the size of the proposed wind farm to 7 turbines, the bid was consistently turned down.
The former Department of the Environment refused the plan, as it was deemed "visually unacceptable and would have an unacceptable impact on active peat", by the Commissioner at the Planning Appeals Commission, Julie De-Courcey.
However, last week a fresh ruling was carried out and Commissioner Rosemary Daly granted planning permission for 5 turbines, 125 metres in height.