Urgent need for new foster carers, say Trust

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The Western Trust's Fostering Recruitment & Assessment Team (pictured) will be in Omagh and Enniskillen next week. / Credit : WHSCT

The Western Health Trust has repeated its urgent appeal for new foster carers to come forward.

It's due to an increase in the number of children in the local area in need of permanent placements.

Across the Western Trust there are children of all ages who may never be able to live with their birth parents.

The vast majority of these children in care live with foster carers.

However, there is currently a shortage of ‘forever homes’ where the child will live long term with the same family for the rest of their childhood.

That's why the Trust is now repeating its call for more potential foster carers to come forward.

"A lot of our carers would say: there are challenges but it is very rewarding," Karen Fox from the Western Health Trust's Fostering & Recruitment Team told Q radio news.

"And the children, when they have stability and a safe place where they can put their head down at night - you can see a child change and thrive so quickly - just with that security and stability. So the rewards are huge," she added.

Throughout the coming week there will be a series of information events for anybody who thinks they could assist in fostering.

"If you're thinking about [fostering] come along, what we have is, you know, there are children out there who require placements at the minute so we'll have information about them. There'll be foster carers there as well, to give their perspective, as well as the team," Karen continued.

"And there is a lot of support, if this is something you're thinking of doing, you're not on your own - you'll be part of a team," she added.

The Western Trust’s Fostering & Recruitment Team will be holding information events:-

Tuesday 11 October – 7.30 pm at Fir Trees Hotel, Strabane

Wednesday 12 October – 7.30 pm at Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen 

Thursday 13 October – 7.30 pm at Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh

Thursday 13 October – 7.30 pm at Da Vinci’s Hotel, Derry

If you feel you have the time and space in your life to foster please contact the Fostering Recruitment & Assessment Team on 028 8283 5264/71314244.

Alternatively you can call HSC Regional Adoption and Fostering Service on 0800 0720 137.

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