by Gráinne Connolly
Expectant mothers from the local area can attend the new Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex for their foetal assessment services.
The specialist unit was the first of its kind in Northern Ireland when it opened at the Tyrone County Hospital in 2010.
At this time it was just one small room in the hospital.
Since then they've further enhanced their services and training, as they made their move to the new site last week.
Women can now have investigations and monitoring done by local nurses, which saves expectant mothers the journey to either Enniskillen or Derry hospitals.
Consultants will also be attending the new unit in Omagh, from Enniskillen to see ladies who are having their babies and need a check up or to see the midwife.
The difference now is that the unit is located close to the hospital again, which means the midwife is in close proximity to the GP practices.
The primary care complex including the foetal assessment unit will be open from 9am-5pm, Monday - Friday.