by Gráinne Connolly
Derry City and Strabane District Council's Community Safety Wardens have recently completed special training in Dementia awareness, which will assist them in reaching out to all members of the community.
The training was delivered by Una Hume of WHSCT and covered areas such as the impact of Dementia on the individual, how to engage and communicate with people affected by Dementia, and understanding the behaviour of individuals affected by Dementia.
Chair of the Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership, Alderman Drew Thompson, said the course was just one element of a wider programme of to improve the wardens’ specialist skills.
“This is part of an ongoing training schedule arranged for our Community Safety Wardens.
“Last month they completed drug and alcohol awareness training delivered by HURT and over the coming weeks they will undertake a refresher course in first aid and defibrillator use.
“It’s important that the Community Safety Wardens, as front line staff, are fully equipped to deal with all members of our community.
"The completion of this training will enhance the service we are able to provide to our residents through the scheme.
"I would like to thank Una from the Western Health and Social Care Trust for delivering the training and the PCSP staff for arranging the session."