By Q Radio News.
Craigavon Area Hospital has confirmed three patients from its haematology department have died after testing positive for COVID-19, following the discovery of a Conraovirus cluster there.
A spokesperson for the Southern Trust confirmed one of these patients " was discharged home and has since sadly passed away with a Covid19 positive diagnosis but this was not the primary cause of death."
"We are profoundly sorry about these deaths and extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of those who have passed away," the spokesperson added.
14 patients and 17 staff members connected to the haematoloy ward have now tested positive for COVID-19
42 staff members have been identified as potential contacts and are currently self-isolating.
The ward remains closed to new admissions.
Southern Trust Medical Director Maria O’Kane said a review is being undertaken to investigate how the virus got into the hospital.
“I can completely understand what her concern is in relation to this, I can’t say it strongly enough, we are extremely sorry that this has happened,” she said.
The daughter of one of the patients who died has queried how the virus got into the haemotology ward.
John Fleming’s daughter Yvonne described her father as suffering from bone cancer but said he had been given a life expectancy of 10 years.
Instead, he died on Thursday evening after testing positive for Covid-19.
“He fought really strong and hard, he gave it everything but when I went into see him he said, ‘I didn’t bargain for this, I don’t want to die, I’m afraid of dying. It’s not the cancer that’s killing me, it’s Covid’,” she told the BBC.
“He asked me to tell his story because he doesn’t want another family to go through what we have been through.
“He had bone cancer, the prognosis was ten years he could live with this cancer, Covid has now robbed us of that.
“What I would like to know and what my mother would like to know is how the virus got through the hospital’s defences into his ward. We can’t get our head round it.”
A COVID-19 ward at Craigavon Area Hospital
Health Minister Robin Swann described the deaths as “extremely distressing and disturbing”.
Mr Swann said: “My deepest sympathies go to the families and friends of those who have passed away.
“The Southern Trust has made clear that a detailed investigation is ongoing following the clusters at the hospital.
“This situation demands a thorough and expeditious investigation.
“Patients and bereaved families are entitled to answers.
“I will continue to closely monitor the management of these clusters and will be receiving updates from the Trust.”
Robin Swann
Meanwhile, another cluster of COVID-19 on Ward 3 South (a medical ward) has seen one patient and two staff members diagnosed with the virus.
14 staff members there are now self-isolating.
A Southern Trust spokesperson confirmed there were no further cases identified on the emergency department and that it was operating as normal, encouraging those who need urgent care to attend.
Staff at Craigavon Area Hospital
Overall, in relation to the clusters identified at the hospital, 56 staff members are now self-isolating.
In a statement, the spokesperson for the Trust said: There are other staff across the Trust self-isolating, and these are a mix of clinical and non-clinical staff.
"This will generally relate to family/social contacts where guidelines require a period of 14 day self-isolation.
"This has been on-going since the start of the pandemic and we expect will continue throughout the winter."