by Gráinne Connolly
A local Councillor has called on the Housing Executive to resolve ongoing problems with damp properties in the Triangle area of the Waterside in Derry-Londonderry.
The issues particularly bad in the Clooney Terrace, Dungiven road and Duddy's court areas.
Councillor Christopher Jackson says residents have been experiencing problems for years, with some even having water running down walls, electricity fusing and ceilings collapsing.
(A collapsed ceiling in one of the houses in the Waterside)
Mr Jackson says the conditions that some people are living in is "devastating" and has been affecting residents health.
However, the Housing Executive have been putting off plans to fix the issues for over a year now according to Councillor Jackson and he's calling on them to make a commitment.
While there's been no response from the Housing Executive ccentrally, Christopher Jackson wants them to commit to a timeframe for the planned scheme or to explain to the residents why they're expected to live in sub standard conditions.