By Q Radio News
A new cross-community project was launched today which plans to turn around the lives of young women in the Shankill and Falls Road areas of Belfast.
The project is backed by the International Fund for Ireland to the tune of £106,349. The “Empowering Young Women Project” is led by Shankill Women’s Centre and will support 20 young people aged 16-25 to improve employment prospects and their role within the wider community.
During the 12-month project, participants will engage in one-to-one mentoring and develop a tailored personal development plan while undertaking a range of cross-community activities aimed at improving work-related skills and decision-making.
At the launch of the Empowering Young Women's Project in Belfast @FundforIreland pic.twitter.com/xB8QG3qv7C
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) August 3, 2017
Participants will also complete accredited good relations courses that address sensitive issues like displays of cultural identity, transitional justice and dialogue.
Paddy Harte, International Fund for Ireland Board Member said: “The Empowering Young Women Project can play an important role in helping young ladies in the Shankill and Falls areas to work together to develop important life skills. By offering practical support,the participants can take better control of their lives and become more resilient to life’s challenges.
“The reality is that there are growing issues of disaffection among young people in many areas across Northern Ireland and that increases the risk of being drawn towards negative influences and a spiral of poor choices. Imaginative projects like this can play a critical role in rebuilding cross-community links and generating greater momentum for positive change and prosperity.”
Susan Wilson, Project Coordinator said: "Empowering Young Women will help young women to raise aspirations for themselves and their communities. We know that young people in the Shankill and Falls are faced with difficult and complex pressures and often believe that opportunities are limited.
This project is about giving them access to new skills and empowering them to make better life choices.
Funding for the Empowering Young Women Project was awarded from the International Fund for Ireland’s Personal Youth Development Programme which supports initiativesthat deliver personalised learning, skills and employment opportunities with a central focus on good relations and preparing young people for the world of work.