by Gráinne Connolly
Derry City and Strabane District Council's (DCSDC) Planning Committee has given the green light for a new learning disability centre beside the Foyle Valley Railway Museum (FVRM).
At a special meeting to deal with applications requiring urgent decisions, due to end of the funding year approaching, members were unanimously supportive of proposals.
The new centre will be built directly on the Foyle Road, immediately to the right of the currently used entrance at the Southwestern end of the museum building.
Plans also include a new café, play area and extra parking provision.
Some concerns were raised over the proximity of the centre's proposed main entrance to the Craigavon Bridge, while some Councillors even suggested moving it to the northwestern end of the FVRM, nearer the Foyle Road pumping station.
This was amid fears that traffic moving from the Craigavon Bridge could be backed up as a result.
However, a report showed that the Department for Infrastructure had raised no objections to the position of the entrance to the Foyle Road.
Given the strong support for the project and the urgent need for the decision, the committee approved the application.