By Q Radio News
An East Derry Londonderry MLA Claire Sugden has officially requested the Executive financially supports businesses and sole traders left behind by the hardship funds system.
Ms Sugden is to back a motion in the Assembly requesting support from the Department of the Economy for businesses that had been forced to cease trading or had otherwise suffered as a result of government rules.
“The Executive and Westminster Government brought in rules that forced many local businesses to close,” Ms Sugden said. “There were, and are, valid public health reasons for this, and these must be respected and supported. The public’s health must be our priority.
“Many businesses have been supported through rates relief, the furlough scheme, Executive grants and hardship funds. There are, however, many businesses – particularly small businesses and sole traders – that have not received a penny in support.
“These businesses will fail if this remains the case. This is not just terrible for owners and staff, but will impact the wider economy as well.
“The Executive wants to encourage more entrepreneurs to start businesses, but if we don’t support those we already have then what message does this send?”
Ms Sugden supported the Assembly motion that called for a “new, fit for purpose hardship fund targeted at those businesses that have so far been excluded from existing support packages”.