A man has died after being shot several times in west Dublin yesterday evening.
The incident happened at St Ronan's Drive in the Ronanstown area after 5.00pm.
Cathal McMahon is a journalist with Independent.ie and says it's thought to be gang-related.
"All indications at this point would point to the fact that this is connected to the Hutch and Kinahan feud" he said."
"This man would have been an assoicate, or would have been known, to Gerry 'The Monk' Hutch - one of the men at the centre of this feud.
"We know this man was originally from the north inner-city...it is possible he was living in the area or visiting someone in the area.
"Certainly this gang appeared to have had knowledge of his moments, and carried out the attack ruthlessly - and the intention obviously being there to kill this man".
Gardai have yet to confirm the man's identity or a motive for the attack.