by Q Radio News
Final year medical students at Queens University Belfast will graduate today and join the workforce to help frontline staff battling the covid-19 pandemic.
The General Medical Council has brought forward their point of registration meaning they will be able to begin working as doctors now.
It means they will start work as Foundation Interim Year One (FiY1) doctors in hospitals across Northern Ireland.
The graduation won't be like a usual ceremony due to coronavirus restrictions but it will take the form on an online 'ceremony' with students names being called out in turn.
BMA Northern Ireland medical student committee chair, Leo Mansell is among those graduating today.
He told Q Radio, “Obviously this is not the graduation that we had all imagined as it will happen online and for some of us away from family and friends, or in isolation.
"However, these are not normal times and nevertheless we welcome the chance to join the workforce now in the fight against coronavirus.
“All of the students graduating today will now be able to begin work as an interim foundation year doctor if they choose to do so.
"Most will continue to work in the hospitals where they were carrying out their final year placement and they will bring valuable skills to the teams already working there."
(Leo Mansell, QUB medical student and BMA NI medical student committee chair)
Mr Mansell continued, "The past five years has provided us with all the skills and knowledge we need to become junior doctors, but I don’t think anything could have fully prepared us for the times ahead. But we are ready, and this is what we have trained for.
“Every doctor from the most senior to the most junior will have had to learn together and work together during this crisis, but it is that teamwork and commitment to our patients that will see us through.
“Finally, I know that for me and all my fellow graduates these challenges will be met with the same ability and professionalism I have seen over the past five years while training and studying. I wish all my fellow students the best of luck today and in their future careers.”