By Brett Campbell
There is confusion as to whether or not the 8pm curfew in place across Northern Ireland applies to Taxi depots and drivers.
MP Paul Maskey says some firms were visited by officers over the weekend and advised to close.
“I was contacted last night by a number of taxi drivers and by health and social care workers who rely on their services after depots had been advised to close by the PSNI under the new Covid-19 restrictions," he said.
“These depots have played a key role, often at great risk to themselves throughout the pandemic, providing a vital service driving health, social care and other essential workers to work and getting them home again.
“I have contacted senior police about the need for the essential services these drivers have provided for our community throughout this emergency.
“The PSNI told me it will move today to provide clarity to the drivers in recognition of the essential service provided by local taxis and there will be no enforcement action until further clarity is given.
“This in my opinion would go a long way to ensure that essential workers can continue to get to and from work over the next six weeks of restrictions.”
The PSNI Assistant Chief Constable says the current regulations "do not appear to provide a specific exemption".
However Alan Todd has recognised the role taxis play in transporting key workers and says no action will be taken in those circumstances, pending clarification from the Executive.
“As is often the case with new regulations, which by necessity come into place quickly, queries do arise in a small number of circumstances. One such area over the weekend has been the query as to whether taxi companies can continue to operate after 8pm in the evening," he said.
“The current regulations as drafted, do not appear to provide a specific exemption to enable taxi companies and drivers to operate after 8pm however the police service understands that they need to continue to be available for essential purpose such as transporting key workers to and from work.
"On this basis, and pending any clarification from the NI Executive on the matter, police will not take any action in respect of taxi companies and drivers operating between 8pm and 6am for the relevant period where they are clearly operating in an essential manner.
"Where this is not the case and where a taxi company or driver is operating in a manner in which they are clearly facilitating or contributing to a breach of the regulations, officers may decide to deal with such instances appropriate to those circumstances."
ACC Todd says there has been a positive response from people and communities across Northern Ireland with high levels of adherence and relatively low levels of requirement for police action in respect of the new restrictions.
"This is really encouraging as we work together to battle the Coronavirus pandemic, to protect the Health Service and to save lives," he said.
“We will continue to engage with people and explain what we need them to do and encourage them to follow the restrictions that are in place. Enforcement is always a last resort.
"This is the most serious public health emergency in 100 years and we would appeal to everyone to continue to play their part in slowing the spread of this deadly virus and helping everyone stay safe and save lives.”