by Gráinne Connolly
SGN Natural Gas Network are holding a series of Information Sessions to update the public about the construction of their current project "Gas to the West".
The main construction phase is currently underway, while 220 contractors are working at key locations to bring natural gas to a total of eight towns in Counties Tyrone, Fermanagh and Derry.
David Butler, Head of Engineering for the SGN Natural Gas Network, explained that these "informal drop-in sessions" are a welcome opportunity for the project team to engage directly with local residents and businesses.
He said:
"We are committed to positive engagement with the local communities we serve and look forward to meeting as many people as possible at these Information Sessions where members of the project team and our contractors will be available to answer questions on everything from roadworks to the benefits of natural gas."
Mr Butler is encouraging residents, business representatives and other stakeholders in Cookstown, Omagh, Lisnaskea and Enniskillen to attend the events and find out more about the ongoing project development work in their local areas.
Information sessions will run as follows:
- Cookstown, Burnavon Theatre - Tuesday March 6th
- Lisnaskea, Donn Carragh Hotel - Wednesday March 7th
- Omagh, Strule Arts Centre - Thursday March 8th
- Enniskillen, Fermanagh House - Thursday March 15th
Each session will be open from noon-2pm and 5pm-7pm.
Tea and Coffee also provided.