The Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) is urgently appealing for new foster carers to come forward as the number of children who require permanent placements with families in foster care continues to grow.
Across the Western Trust there are children of all ages who may never be able to live with their birth parents. The vast majority of these children in care live with foster carers. However, in the Western Trust area, there is an ongoing shortage of ‘forever homes’ where the child will live long term with the same family for the rest of their childhood.
Clare McCallion, Service Manager for the Western Trust Fostercare Services said: “The Western Trust is eager to invite a range of people in the community to consider offering a child a loving, nurturing home ‘to grow up in’. Across the Trust area there are children of all ages who may not be able to live with their birth family. These children need a permanent home for the rest of their childhood. .
Clare added: “The Trust are also committed to finding placements for children on a short-term basis – maybe this would suit your family? People from all walks of life can foster – don’t rule yourself out. If you are resilient, flexible and have the energy, time and commitment to take on the demands of being a foster carer or adoptive parents, please come along to our information sessions to talk to experienced social workers and foster carers and children and hear about the range of support which are offered to all foster carers.”
Western Trust Foster Carer Mary commented: “I would recommend fostering to anybody who had any inkling that it’s something they want to do. It’s very rewarding and enjoyable. There are challenges, but with the help and support of your social worker and the child’s social worker, you’re never left to deal with anything on your own – everyone is a phone call away. When you see a child develop through what you have done for them it’s so rewarding. Don’t rule yourself out. Just pick up the phone and talk to someone from the fostering team or go along to your local information session to find out more.”
The Western Trust’s Fostering & Recruitment Team will be holding information events:-
Tuesday 11 October – 7.30 pm at Fir Trees Hotel, Strabane
Wednesday 12 October – 7.30 pm at Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen
Thursday 13 October – 7.30 pm at Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh
Thursday 13 October – 7.30 pm at Da Vinci’s Hotel, Derry
If you feel you have the time and space in your life to foster please contact theFostering Recruitment & Assessment Team on 028 8283 5264/71314244 or email: marie.walsh@westerntrust.hscni
Alternatively you can call HSC Regional Adoption and Fostering Service on0800 0720 137 or enquire online.