The Northern Ireland Fire service has rescued a man and woman in the Holylands area of Belfast.
The pair were trapped in an attic room after an unattended chip pan went alight.
There was extensive smoke throughout the property during the incident on Magdala Street around 10.30pm on Saturday night.
Another man was left with burns to his hands after he discovered the fire and tried to extinguish it.
He and two others managed to get themselves to safety.
A spokesperson from the Fire and Rescue service said “The Regional Control Centre Fire Control Operator provided Fire Survival Guidance to the distressed occupants until Fire crews arrived."
Appliances from Central and Cadogan Fire Stations arrived within four minutes.
The British Red Cross Fire and Emergency Support Service also attended the incident, providing practical and emotional support to the occupants and assisted with rehousing.
"The property did have a smoke alarm system, however, it did not operate and alert the occupants. Thankfully, on this occasion, the fire was discovered by another male who had returned to the property and raised the alarm. He suffered burns to his hand trying to extinguish the blaze.
"Thanks to the excellent advice given by Control staff and the fast response by the Fire Service, these people were able to be rescued from this accidental fire. Chip pans should never be left unattended and Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service would like to remind the public of the importance of having a working smoke alarm.” said the spokesperson