by Q Radio news
Northern Ireland’s deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill has called on both the EU and UK Government to “honour and implement their agreements”.
Michelle O’Neill said: “I have spoken to the Irish Government and expressed my serious concerns that the EU did not consult with the political administrations on this island before moving to trigger Article 16.
“This unilateral action was clearly unwise, ill-judged and totally unnecessary. I welcome the fact the decision has now been reversed.
“Regrettably it has caused political harm.
(Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill)
“It has given those shameless Brexiteers now opposed to the consequences of their own actions, the opportunity of using it to their advantage.”
“However the Irish protocol, while imperfect, must be preserved. The protocol exists as a solution to avoid a hard border on the island, thereby enabling the all-island economy and Good Friday Agreement to be protected.
“Our citizens need timely access to lifesaving vaccines, not trade disputes between the EU and the British Government.
“The Withdrawal Agreement and Irish Protocol were negotiated and agreed by the EU and British Government, and the onus is on them to honour and implement both.”
(EU chief Ursula Von der Leyen)
Meanwhile, Ulster Unionist Party leader Steve Aiken has described the actions of the EU in a dispute over vaccine supplies as a “tipping point” and urged the UK Government to intervene to protect Northern Ireland.
“The EU cynically and deliberately used Northern Ireland in an attempt to cover up their vaccine omnishambles with a political one,” he said.
“The EU’s actions show that they do not have our best interests at heart. Northern Ireland and its people have been cynically used and exploited as a negotiating chip by the EU and they will do it again in the future for selfish political reasons.
“Therefore it’s long past time for the UK Government to step in to protect Northern Ireland’s interests.
“The reasons given by the EU for triggering Article 16 were unwarranted, however Northern Ireland’s are very real, including disruptions to trade and growing societal anger.
“It would be a weak UK Government that would continue to sit on the sidelines as an observer and let its people be treated in such a manner.”
(Ulster Unionist leader, Steve Aiken)