by Gráinne Connolly
A derelict house in Derry/Londonderry has been badly damaged following a fire.
The blaze at the property in the Park Avenue area of Rosemount, is believed to have been started deliberately shortly after 9pm last night.
The Fire Service dispatched two appliances from Northland and one from Crescent Link stations.
Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus extinguished the fire, at around 10.38pm.
According to local councillor Mickey Cooper, young people have been entering and using the property to carry out anti-social behaviour.
"I and my party colleague Hayleigh Fleming have been working privately with the relatives of the owner who has been in care for a number of months, to try resolve the issue of small groups of young people entering and using the property to carry out anti-social behaviour.
“On each occasion the owner’s relatives got the property secured.
“I have spoken to the relatives who are on site with the Fire Service and they have told me the builders are coming in the morning to ensure the property is structurally sound."