By Adam Evans
Up to 60 people are being moved from a block of flats in south Belfast after serious concerns were raised in a fire safety review.
Residents of Block B at Russell Court Social Housing on the Lisburn Road will leave over the next 4 weeks.
Radius Housing says there will be temporary accomodation for those who need it while they wait for a permanent place from the Housing Executive.
Its Chief Executive, John McLean has told Q Radio some residents have lived there for more than 30 years.
There will now be fire marshalls on site around the clock as part of "enhanced safety measures".
Unlike Block B, Block A was extensively refurbished in 2011 and does not present the same concerns.
A Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) Spokesperson said: "NIFRS was informed by Radius Housing of their survey findings in relation to Block B of the Russell Court Building in Belfast. Block B does not meet the required fire safety standards and the building is to be vacated. NIFRS has been working closely with Radius Housing and an action plan was agreed in the event of a fire in the building.
"NIFRS also reviewed its response plan for Russell Court and has ensured that Fire Crews from the 2 closest Fire Stations, Cadogan and Central, are familiar with the layout and have a detailed knowledge of the premises. Russell Court has a simultaneous evacuation policy in the event of a fire and NIFRS supports that policy in relation to this particular building.
"Firefighters have carried out an exercise to test water supplies and rehearse Firefighting procedures in the building. The exercise provided assurance that there was an effective water supply in the building and that operational response procedures worked well.
"Firefighters are on site on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 June to provide additional fire safety advice and reassurance to residents. NIFRS will continue to work closely with Radius Housing over the next 4 weeks as they vacate residents from Block B."