A major new multi million pound public realm scheme is set to spruce up Enniskillen over the next three years.
£4.7 million will come from the Department for Communities.
A further £500,000 is to be provided by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council.
A number of town centre streets will be enhanced with new paving and lights.
The news comes as the Castle Basin Project is completed.
The announcement was made by Communities Minister Paul Givan.
“This investment will considerably improve the appearance and appeal of the town, making it a more attractive place for people to work, visit and spend more time, and therefore helping to promote the vitality of businesses and services provided in Enniskillen,” he says.
The Department for Communities is currently working with Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to appoint a team who will be responsible for taking this outline stage through to implementation.
The scheme will be delivered over the next three financial years, subject to confirmation as part of the budget settlement.