Q Radio News
Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed an easing of care home visiting restrictions, taking effect in Northern Ireland from Wednesday.
The arrangements for care home visiting are set out in the Department of Health’s 'Visiting With Care – A Pathway' document, originally issued in May 2021, and available at www.health-ni.gov.uk/Covid-19-visiting-guidance
The Health Minister said: “Following the latest review, the restrictions on visiting in care homes have moved into the 'Gradual Easing' phase as set out in the 'Visiting With Care - A Pathway' document.
"The main change will see an increase in the frequency of visits permitted and in the number of people permitted to visit care homes at the same time. Up to four people from no more than two households will now be able to visit together, with a maximum of four such visits per week being allowed.”
Health minister Robin Swann
In addition, further clarity has been provided around visits from clergy, and further advice added around how residents can be facilitated to leave their care home to go about normal business.
The easements to restrictions may not fully apply if the care home has an active COVID-19 outbreak.
While welcoming this easement in the visiting restrictions faced by care home residents, the Minister emphasised: “Sadly, COVID-19 remains very much with us. I strongly encourage everyone to continue to practice effective Infection Prevention & Control standards and make use of the widely available lateral flow testing.”
He continued: “Everyone should also take full advantage of the vaccination programmes, including flu jabs and the Covid vaccine booster where eligible, to keep care home residents and everyone else as safe as possible.”
The Care Partner scheme is not affected by this change. The access arrangements facilitated under the Care Partner scheme should continue as appropriate.
The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Eddie Lynch, has welcomed the news that restrictions will ease further in care homes, which will see residents have increased visits from loved ones.
He said: “I have heard first-hand from those living in care homes just how difficult the restrictions around visiting have been so this is very welcome news for many residents and their loved ones. Moving to the next phase in the pathway document is a small step towards normality, but a significant one for care home residents.
“It is crucial that restrictions in care homes are not in place for longer than is absolutely necessary and with many of the restrictions being eased for the rest of society over the past few weeks and months, I’m delighted that increased visits are now being safely permitted, enabling residents to enjoy even more face-to-face contact with their loved ones.
“I would echo the Health Minister’s warning and reminder that COVID 19 is still prevalent in society and again would urge everyone to continue to practice good personal hygiene and to avail of the vaccine and the booster vaccine where eligible.”
(Restrictions have been eased in care homes for visiting)