By David Young (PA)
The majority of teachers in Northern Ireland have again rejected a proposed deal to resolve a pay dispute.
The Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council, which represents the teaching unions in negotiations with management, said members were still not prepared to accept the 5.5% uplift offer.
Teachers rejected an initial offer in February – a move that appeared less about the proposed pay rise and more about concerns over workload.
A new offer was tabled by the management side of negotiations last week that included what was described as an enhanced package of commitments around reducing workload.
Despite that, teachers have again rejected the proposed package.
Teachers have been engaging in industrial action short of strike during the pay dispute.
With members of several unions having already voted in favour of strike action if the impasse is not resolved, there now appears an increased prospect of teachers taking to the picket line if a breakthrough is not achieved in the near future.
While members of one of the unions represented by the NITC, the National Union of Head Teachers, did back the deal, the other unions rejected it – meaning the collective position of the council is not to approve ratification.
Jacquie White, Ulster Teachers’ Union general secretary and chair of the NITC, said: “The collective response of the five recognised teaching unions which comprise the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council has indicated that we are unable to accept the revised pay offer.
“Teachers across the profession, due to inadequate funding, resources and support, feel strongly that they can no longer fully meet the needs of children in their schools, and this has been reflected in their response.
“It is imperative that we address as a matter of priority the mounting pressures being felt in schools.
“UTU remains committed to urgent engagement with the employers to seek a way forward in the interests of both members and the children and young people in their care.”
Mark McTaggart, the northern secretary with Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, added: “Into members raised concerns around the clarity of the offer in terms of reducing workload and have indicated that they are unable to accept at this time.
“We now seek meaningful engagement with management side which will lead to a resolution around the ever-increasing burdens placed on teachers and school leaders which will allow them to return to their core role as educators of the children and young people in their care.”
Justin McCamphill, from the NASUWT, said: “Our members have considered the offer carefully and have made their decision based on their professional judgement and lived experience in schools.
“We recognise the result leaves the situation uncertain. However, we will all now seek urgent engagement with the employers and the Department of Education to discuss next steps and ensure teachers’ concerns are heard and addressed.”
Pauline Buchanan, regional secretary with the National Education Union, said: “Throughout this discussion, our members have consistently been mindful of their commitment to their students. However, over the years, workload, bureaucracy, inadequate support and demands on time have increased and must be tackled urgently.
“Management Side must show a genuine and good faith commitment to engaging with teachers to address the many pressures mounting in schools. We remain determined to find a resolution and are ready to pursue further talks.”
Graham Gault, NI national secretary at the NIHT, said the union remained committed to working collectively with the other unions that did not accept the deal.
“While the membership of NAHT voted in favour of accepting the offer, the wider NITC position means that the offer has not been ratified by all unions and will, therefore, not be progressed in its current form,” he said.
“The NAHT will, therefore, engage fully with our own membership to consider our next steps while also remaining committed to working collectively with others to secure an offer that can be accepted by all parties.”
The number of pupils classed as ‘severely absent’ from school in England reached a record high last year (Danny Lawson/PA)