By Peter Moor
Kilroot power station in Co Antrim is to be converted from coal-fired-to gas-fired, under a ten-year contract replacing existing coal units.
The announcement was made as the results of the latest T-4 capacity auction for the Single Electricity Market were announced..
It was confirmed that Czech company, EPUKI, had been awarded contracts for existing energy units at Ballylumford and further units at Kilroot power station.
A spokesperson for EPUKI commented: “We are delighted that all units have been successful in the most recent T-4 auction meaning that new, flexible, low-carbon gas generation can be developed on the Kilroot site.
“This will ensure the transition towards low carbon generation as well as protecting security and stability of supply for Northern Ireland through the continuation of indigenous generation.”
Responding to the announcement, East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson said: “It is good news that Ballylumford and Kilroot have secured a place in the energy market for the future.
“We have always had concerns about energy dependence from outside of Northern Ireland.
“Winning this capacity auction ensures not only that production facilities at Kilroot will be secured, but more importantly, this puts the area in a position to deliver new generation in the future.”
Alderman Billy Ashe MBE of Mid and East Antrim Council is the Chair of Council’s Energy Committee. He aid: “This is fabulous news and I commend EPUKI and all those behind this successful bid.
“A secure energy supply is absolutely critical to our ability to attract investment in Mid and East Antrim and Northern Ireland.
“The contracts secured in this T-4 auction will enable new clean, flexible and indigenous generation capacity to be built to replace the coal units.
“The success in this auction provides a solid platform for further growth at Kilroot and Ballylumford.”
Kilroot Power Station
Anne Donaghy, Council Chief Executive and Manufacturing Taskforce lead, said: “This is very welcome news for Mid and East Antrim, and Northern Ireland.
“It is so important to our Borough’s economy that we remain key energy creators for the region, and the outcome of this capacity auction is very positive for our economic growth plans, post Covid-19.
“We are excited by the plans for new technology to provide clean energy, and it has been a privilege for the Manufacturing Taskforce to work alongside the company, under the direction of our Chair, Graham Whitehurst.
“I commend the firm and our Elected Members, who have worked so hard to ensure that Carrickfergus remains crucial to Northern Ireland’s energy sector.”