by Rebecca Black, PA
More than 300,000 patients are recorded as waiting for their first appointment with a consultant, the latest waiting list figures have revealed.
A total of 311,090 patients were waiting for a first consultant-led outpatient appointment at the end of June – 3.9% (11,654) more than by the same time last year (299,436), according to Department of Health figures.
Almost nine out of 10 of these patients (89.3%, 277,704) had been waiting more than nine weeks, compared with 74% (224,130) at the end of June 2019.
More than two-fifths (43.9%; 136,666) of patients had been waiting more than 52 weeks for a first consultant-led outpatient appointment, compared with 35.2% (104,450) at June 30 2019.
The 2020/21 ministerial target states that by March 2021, at least 50% of patients should wait no longer than nine weeks for a first outpatient appointment, with no patient waiting longer than 52 weeks.
The quarter ending June 2020 saw 41,500 attendances for a first outpatient appointment, a decrease of 65.3% (78,161) from the quarter ending June 2019 (119,661).
There were also increases in the number of patients waiting to be admitted to hospitals, 97,243 at the end of June, 11.3% (9,890) more than at June 30 2019 (88,203).
In terms of diagnostics, there were 149,403 patients waiting by the end of June 2020, 7.8% (10,756) more than at June 30 2019.
Almost three-quarters (73.8%; 110,225) of patients were waiting longer than nine weeks for a diagnostic test, compared with 52.7% (73,087) at the end of June 2019.
Over a third (35.1%, 52,393) of patients were waiting more than 26 weeks for a diagnostic test, compared with 25.6% (35,519) at June 30 2019.
Meanwhile, a total of 235,019 diagnostic tests were reported on and dispatched to hospitals during the quarter ending June 2020, 45.0% (192,566) fewer than the quarter ending June 2019 (427,585).
Of the 49,452 urgent diagnostic tests reported on, 92.2% (45,613) were reported on within two days.
Cancer Research UK has warned the figures are likely to get worse, saying many with symptoms may have held back during lockdown.
Margaret Carr, Cancer Research UK’s public affairs manager in Northern Ireland, said: “The early diagnosis of cancer can significantly improve someone’s chances of survival and so it’s essential people don’t have to wait too long for diagnostic tests.
“As people with suspected symptoms, who perhaps did not approach their doctor during lockdown, now come forward for help and are referred for tests, pressure on these services is also likely to increase.
“Tackling the backlog of those waiting for tests will require more workforce, more equipment and the adoption of other innovations that release capacity into the system.”
Health Minister Robin Swann responded to the figures, warning that a “very difficult winter” is ahead with a “very fragile” health service due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“A necessary focus on dealing with the virus created a virtual lockdown of normal health and social care services. This has had an inevitable and serious impact on waiting lists that were already far beyond being unacceptable,” he said.
“A lot of hard work is ongoing on the rebuilding of services. Last month, I announced important initiatives on day surgery and orthopaedics. Proposals are also being finalised for other key priority areas including cancer services and urgent and emergency care.
“Running both Covid and non-Covid services is a massive challenge. Work to rebuild services will take time and will be entirely dependant on the path Covid will take. It is inevitable that there will be further hospital-based outbreaks and clusters in the months ahead.
“Infection control measures are going to be with for us for some time and inevitably, despite our rebuilding efforts, this will have an adverse impact on waiting times for procedures. Trusts are doing all that they can to maximise theatre and bed capacity.
“We all have a role to play in protecting our health service and supporting our staff – by following the public health advice on social distancing, hand washing and wearing face coverings.
“Stopping the virus spreading helps protect services as well as people.
“We are facing a very difficult winter for an already very fragile health service.”