by Gillian McDade
Ringing provides information on the movements individual birds make - and how long they live for.
The event has been organised as part of the Mid Ulster Biodiversity Project.
Have you ever wondered if the robin you regularly see in your garden is the same bird every time? Have you noticed different species in your garden in the summer that you don’t see in winter? Where have they come from? How far have they travelled?
Come long at 9am to Traad, The Point Road, (just north of Ballyronan). The event will be facilitated by licensed ringer Aidan Crean.
Aidan will explain why birds are ringed, the important information it provides, and actually present a demonstration on how to ring birds and the equipment required.
You do not require any specialist knowledge or equipment to attend the event, but as it will take place outdoors please wear appropriate clothing, and although not essential, a pair of binoculars may be useful.
Mark Edgar, Biodiversity Officer for the Mid Ulster area says through ringing, they can start to track individual birds.
“The ring is carefully fitted to the bird’s leg and has a unique number, so if the bird turns up anywhere in the world, it can be traced back to where it was first recorded.
“Ringing aims to understand what is happening to birds in the places they live and how this affects population increases and decreases. This knowledge is vital for conservation. It also gives information on the movements individual birds make and how long many live for,” he explains.
For more information or to confirm your attendance at the event please contact the Council’s Biodiversity Officer on 03000 132132 or e-mail: mark.edgar@midulstercouncil.org leaving your contact details in case the event has to be postponed at short notice due to poor weather conditions.