By Adam Evans
The Housing Executive expects the majority of residents of Coolmoyne House to return home this evening.
It comes as the authority says it's looking into what lessons can be learnt from last night's fire
A toaster is thought to have started the blaze but an investigation continues.
A spokesperson for the Housing Executive said: "Following last night’s fire at a flat in Coolmoyne House in Seymour Hill, our immediate concern has been with residents.
"Staff have been on site since yesterday evening working with residents to ensure emergency accommodation was available for any resident who requested it. Three residents availed of overnight accommodation at a nearby hotel.
"The Housing Executive wants to reassure residents that their safety is taken extremely seriously. We work closely with the Fire Service to ensure we remain fully compliant with all fire safety regulations, have robust fire safety regimes and carry our regular inspections in all of our high rise buildings. (Fire safety leaflets have been delivered to all flats within our high rise buildings).
“In Coolmoyne, each of the 56 flats have two smoke alarms and one heat detector alarm installed. The communal hallways are fitted with a silent smoke detection system, which is monitored 24 hours a day.
“Yesterday’s fire was contained to one flat, which was severely damaged. 17 other flats were impacted, primarily by water damage and a small number with smoke damage.
“Our response maintenance staff worked overnight on a clean-up operation and our contractors are on site today again, going door to door ensuring the electrics are safe in each home.
“We expect to have the majority of residents who were unable to return to their homes last night at Coolmoyne House, back in their homes today.
“The cause of the fire is under investigation by the NIFRS. We will be fully co-operating with them.
“We will be examining all aspects of last night’s incident and will take the best advice available on whether any further action needs to be taken.
“We want to commend the NIFRS for its immediate response and also the efforts of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and PSNI.
“Residents seeking high rise fire safety advice can find it on our website www.nihe.gov.uk/highrise_buildings or contact your local office.
“NIFRS can also be contacted on 028 9266 4221 or find their high-rise fire safety advice www.nifrs.org”