The Stormont Executive has agreed the following relaxations to lockdown, PA understands.
From April 1
– Up to six people from no more than two households can meet outdoors in a private garden.
– Ten people, from no more than two households, able to participate in outdoor sporting activities. Golf courses to reopen (clubhouses to remain closed).
– Click and collect purchases allowed from garden centres and plant nurseries.
From April 12
– Up to ten people from no more than two households can meet outdoors in a private garden.
– Click and collect at all non-essential retail outlets.
– “Stay at home” requirement lifts. Will be replaced by “stay local” message.
– Outdoor sports training to resume for sports clubs affiliated with recognised governing bodies with no more than 15 participants in one training group. Indoor club facilities, apart from toilets, to remain closed.
April 12 measures are subject to final ratification by the Executive in the week before they come into effect, likely on April 8.