By Hannah Spratt
The WAVE Trauma Centre will hold a Day of Reflection today at it's Belfast centre in Chichester Park South to remember all those who were killed and/or injured through the ‘Troubles’.
The speaker at this year’s event will be Stephen Travers who survived the Miami Showband Massacre in 1975.
Alan McBride from WAVE said:
“Stephen will share his story and his hopes and fears for the future, with regard to keeping the peace and dealing with the past. Stephen is a wonderful speaker and I know that what he has to say will strike a chord with all who will be there”.
Alan went on:
“Singer songwriter Tommy Sands will also be taking part.
Not only is Tommy an award winning artist, he is also a fantastic storyteller and committed peace activist – WAVE are honoured to host him on this special night”.
Alan McBride went on to explain why the 21st June was chosen as the date for the Day of Reflection.
“Healing Through Remembrance were looking for a day in the year when there was no specific anniversary of an horrendous event associated with the Troubles so that it could be a day for all to be part of remembrance and reflection on the same basis.
Perhaps one of the saddest statistics that I have ever heard of is that there was no single calendar day, including February 29th and Christmas Day when no one died in the ‘Troubles’.
It was then decided to hold the event on the 21st June the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
Alan has been speaking to Q Radio News: